LAU Siu Hong Alex 劉兆康
TEL: 3943 5238
Rm. 112F, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building

Dr. Alex Siu Hong Lau received his MEng (1st Hons) degrees from Imperial College London in 2006, and obtained his PhD degree in computational aeroacoustics in 2013 from the University of Southampton. He worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics Research Group of the University of Southampton between 2013 and 2016, and in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology between 2016 and 2018. After that, he worked as a part-time lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From 2019 to 2023, he worked as a tutor and taught mathematics (linear algebra) and structural analysis in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Hong Kong. He joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2023 as a lecturer. Dr. Lau is interested in animal flight aerodynamics, and computational and theoretical aeroacoustics research.

Research Interests
  • Animal Gliding Flight
  • Computational Aeroacoustics
  • Theoretical Aeroacoustics
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
MAEG3010 Mechanics of Materials
MAEG3030 Fluid Mechanics
MAEG4030 Heat Transfer

Journal Papers 

  1. Lau, A.S.H.; Ma Z.; Huang X. The aerodynamic effects of forelimb pose on the gliding flight of Draco lizards. Physics of Fluids, 2023; 35(3), 035117.
  2. Jiang H.; Lau A.S.H.; Huang X. Sound wave scattering in a flow duct with azimuthally non-uniform liners. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018; 839, 644 – 662.
  3. Lau A.S.H.; Huang X. The control of aerodynamic sound due to boundary layer pressure gust scattering by trailing edge serrations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018; 432, 133 – 154.
  4. Lau A.S.H.; Zhong S.; Huang X. Control-oriented methods for turbomachinery noise simulation. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 2018. 140(1), 011001-1 – 011001-15.
  5. Lau A.S.H.; Kim J.W.; Hurault J.; Vronsky T.; Joseph P. Aerofoil trailing-edge noise prediction models for wind turbine applications. Wind Energy, 2017. 20(10), 1727 – 1752.
  6. Lau A.S.H.; Kim J.W.; Hurault J.; Vronsky T. A study on the prediction of aerofoil trailing-edge noise for wind turbine applications. Wind Energy, 2016. 20(2), 233 – 252.
  7. Lau A.S.H.; Haeri S.; Kim J.W. The effect of wavy leading edges on aerofoil-gust interaction noise. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013. 332(24), 6234 – 6253.
  8. Kim J.W.; Lau A.S.H.; Sandham N.D. CAA boundary conditions for airfoil noise due to high-frequency gusts. Procedia Engineering, 2010. 6, 244 – 253.
  9. Kim J.W.; Lau A.S.H.; Sandham N.D. Proposed boundary conditions for gust-airfoil interaction noise. AIAA Journal, 2010. 48(11), 2705 – 2710.