WANG Zhen 王震
Research Assistant Professor
Zhen Wang received B.E. (’12) and M.S. (’15) degrees in Physics from Shandong University and Ph.D. (’19) degree in Mechanical and Automation Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). After two-years research as a research associate at Prof. REN Wei’s group in CUHK and one-year postdoctoral research at National Institute of Optics in Italy, he joined the CUHK in September 2022.
Research Interests
- Ultrasensitive gas sensing
- Photoacoustic/photothermal spectroscopy
- Cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy
- Quantum/interband cascade laser characterization and application
ENGG1310 Engineering Physics: Electromagnetics, Optics and Modern Physics
Journal Papers (in the recent five years)
- Q. Wang#,*, Z. Wang#,*, H. Zhang, S. Jiang, Y. Wang, W. Jin, and W. Ren*, Dual-comb photothermal spectroscopy. Nature Communications 13, 2181 (2022). (Joint first authors and corresponding authors)
- Z. Wang, Q. Wang*, H. Zhang, S. Borri, I. Galli, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, V. L. Spagnolo, P. D. Natale, and W. Ren*, Doubly resonant sub-ppt photoacoustic gas detection with eight decades dynamic range, Photoacoustics, 27, 100387 (2022)
- Z. Wang#, H. Zhang#, J. Wang, S. Jiang, S. Gao, Y. Wang, W. Jin, Q. Wang*, and W. Ren, Photothermal multi-species detection in a hollow-core fiber with frequency-division multiplexing, Sensors and Actuators B, 369, 132333 (2022).
- M. Yang#, Z. Wang#, Q. Nie, K. Ni, and W. Ren*, Mid-infrared cavity-enhanced absorption sensor for ppb-level N2O detection using an injection-current-modulated quantum cascade laser. Optics Express 29, 41634-41642 (2021).
- Y. Shang#, Z. Wang#, L. Ma, J. Shi, H. Ning*, W. Ren, and S Luo, Shock tube measurement of NO time-histories in nitromethane pyrolysis using a quantum cascade laser at 5.26 µm. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38, 1745-1752 (2021).
- Z. Wang, H. W, Y. Li, R. Kan, and W. Ren*, Active modulation of intracavity laser intensity with the Pound–Drever–Hall locking for photoacoustic spectroscopy. Optics Letters 45, 1148-1151 (2020).
- Z. Wang#, M. Yang#, L. Fu, C. Chen, R. You*, and W. Ren*, Rapid field measurement of ventilation rate using a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic SF6 gas sensor. Measurement Science and Technology 31, 085105 (2020).
- Z. Wang, KP. Cheong, M. Li, Q. Wang, and W. Ren*, Theoretical and experimental study of heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy with an injection-current-modulated quantum cascade laser. Sensors 20, 6176 (2020).
- Z. Wang, Q. Wang, W. Zhang, H. Wei, Y. Li, and W. Ren*, Ultrasensitive photoacoustic detection in a high-finesse cavity with Pound–Drever–Hall locking. Optics Letters 44, 1924-1927 (2019).
- Z. Wang, Q. Wang, J. Y.-L. Ching, J. C.-Y. Wu, G. Zhang, and W. Ren*, A portable low-power QEPAS-based CO2 isotope sensor using a fiber-coupled interband cascade laser. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 246, 710-715 (2017).
- Z. Wang, J. Geng, and W. Ren*, Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) detection of the ν7 band of ethylene at low pressure with CO2 interference analysis. Applied Spectroscopy 71, 1834-1841 (2017).
- Z. Wang, Z. Li, and W. Ren*, Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic detection of ethylene using a 10.5 μm quantum cascade laser. Optics Express 24, 4143-4154 (2016).
- M. Raza, L. Ma, C. Yao, M. Yang, Z. Wang, Q. Wang, R. Kan, and W. Ren*, MHz-rate scanned-wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy using a distributed feedback diode laser at 2.3 µm. Optics & Laser Technology 130, 106344 (2020).
- K. Xu, X. Zhao, Z. Wang, J. Chen, T. Li, Z. Zheng*, and W. Ren*, Multipass-assisted dual-comb gas sensor for multi-species detection using a free-running fiber laser. Applied Physics B 126, 39 (2020).
- L. Ma, Z. Wang, K.-P. Cheong, H. Ning, and W. Ren*, Mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy in flame measurements. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37, 1329-1336 (2019).
- M. Yang, K. Liu, L. Ma, K.-P. Cheong, Z. Wang, W. Ho, and W. Ren*, Time-resolved characterization of non-thermal plasma-assisted photocatalytic removal of nitric oxide. Journal of Physics D 53, 01LT02 (2019).
- K.-P. Cheong, L. Ma, Z. Wang, and W. Ren*, Influence of line pair selection on flame tomography using infrared absorption spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 73, 529-539 (2018).
- C. Yao, Z. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Bian, C. Chen, L. Zhang, and W. Ren*, Interband cascade laser absorption sensor for real-time monitoring of formaldehyde filtration by a nanofiber membrane. Applied Optics 57, 8005-8010 (2018).
- L. Ma, Z. Wang, K.-P. Cheong, H. Ning, and W. Ren*, Temperature and H2O sensing in laminar premixed flames using mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy. Applied Physics B 124,117 (2018).
- Q. Wang, Z. Wang, W. Ren*, P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, and V. Spagnolo, Fiber-ring laser intracavity QEPAS gas sensor using a 7.2 kHz quartz tuning fork. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 268, 512-518 (2018).
- C. Shi, D. Wang, Z. Wang, L. Ma, Q. Wang, K. Xu, S.-C. Chen, and W. Ren*, A Mid-infrared fiber-coupled QEPAS nitric oxide sensor for real-time engine exhaust monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal 17, 7418-7424 (2017).
- Z. Li, Z. Wang, F. Yang, W. Jin, and W. Ren*, Mid-infrared fiber-optic photothermal interferometry. Optics Letters 42, 3718-3721 (2017).
- Q. Wang, Z. Wang, and W. Ren*, Theoretical and experimental investigation of fiber-ring laser intracavity photoacoustic spectroscopy (FLI-PAS) for acetylene detection. Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 4519-4525 (2017).
- M. Chen, H. Lu, N.M. Abdelazim, Y. Zhu, Z. Wang, W. Ren, S.V. Kershaw*, A.L. Rogach, and N. Zhao*, Mercury telluride quantum dot based phototransistor enabling high-sensitivity room-temperature photodetection at 2000 nm. ACS Nano 11, 5614-5622 (2017).
- Q. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Chang, and W. Ren*, Fiber-ring laser-based intracavity photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas sensing. Optics Letters 42, 2114-2117 (2017).
- Q. Wang, Z. Wang, and W. Ren*, Wavelength-stabilization-based photoacoustic spectroscopy for methane detection. Measurement Science and Technology 28, (2017).
- Z. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Qi, W. Jin, and W. Ren*, Improved evanescent-wave quartz-enhanced photoacoustic CO sensor using an optical fiber taper. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 248, 1023-1028 (2017).
- Z. Li, Z. Wang, C. Wang, and W. Ren*, Optical fiber tip-based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for trace gas detection. Applied Physics B 122, 147 (2016).
- Z. Wang, Q. Wang, H. Zhang, S. Borri, I. Galli, P. D. Natale, and W. Ren. Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy 2022, Lecco, Italy. 6.14-6.17, 2022.
- L. Ma, Z. Wang, K-P. Cheong, H. Ning, and W. Ren, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland. 7.29-8.3, 2018.
- Z. Wang, L. Ma, K-P. Cheong, W. Ren, CLEO: Science and Innovations, San Jose, USA, 5.5-5.10, 2018.
- Z. Wang, W. Ren, 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS). IEEE, Shanghai, China, 8.8-8.11, 2016.
- W. Ren, L. Ma, Z. Wang, K-P. Cheong, ‘Laser Dispersion Spectroscopy for Non-intrusive Combustion Diagnostics’, US patent, 2020, Number: US 10718706B2.